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Book of Condolence opened for the late John Hume

5 August 2020

Clare County Council has opened an online Book of Condolence in memory of John Hume, R.I.P.

The Mayor of Clare, Councillor Mary Howard, is inviting members of the public to sign the book and join people from all over Ireland and beyond in marking John’s legacy as “an inspiring and courageous politician and peacemaker who helped to redefine politics and was instrumental in bringing about peace”.

“John Hume is widely acknowledged as having played a crucial role in the Northern Ireland peace process. His vision for communities finding a way of living together peacefully is an inspiration to all of us,” said Mayor Howard.

Chief Executive of Clare County Council, Pat Dowling, said: “I invite people to sign the online Book of Condolence and add their names to the many tributes paid to John Hume by people around the country and all over the world.” 

Members of the public are invited to sign the Book of Condolence.

Page last reviewed: 05/08/20

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